Traditionally, Hawaiian heirloom jewelry bracelets are designed to tell ancient stories and communicate the Hawaiian legends. The interwoven artistry of each bracelet emphasizes the flowers and the birds and culture of Hawaii. In the bracelet example below, you can see this how it is uniquely structured to show off the local flowers, a turtle as well as a beautiful scrolling design.

As you can see on this page, the craftsmanship and attention to detail on each of these pieces is superb. You will not find anything like these incredible works of art, anywhere else. If you want an heirloom bracelet that will be a standout from everything else you own, and which will be commented upon by everyone who sees it. . . you want to take a look at these fine pieces in the Topaz Repair & Design Studio. You will find our phone number below, don’t hesitate to get out your phone and call us if you have any questions or want to schedule a visit.

It is hard to show the exquisite quality of our Gold artisans in a small simple photograph for the web. The only way you will really appreciate these one-of-a-kind works of art is to have it in your hands. We’ve placed photographs of five of the more striking examples from our craftsman, but be assured that there are many more to choose from in the Maui Topaz Gallery.

Some of our customers choose to have this pattern surround the entire bracelet with no name on the outside. But you can also have your Hawaiian name custom engraved on the bracelet in traditional black enamel. Remember too, because of our fine goldsmiths (working on the premises), you can have the recipient’s name engraved on inside of the bracelet as well.

Take advantage of the fact that Maui Repair & Design Studio offers Maui’s two finest Hawaii goldsmiths in David Fairclough and Ted Norton. Together they have created an extraordinary collection of Hawaiian pictorial heirloom bracelets. When you come to Maui Topaz you won’t want to miss seeing these incredible works of art.

Whether the visual subject matter is that of Maui’s exquisite flowers, the dolphins that grace our island, our regular humpback whale visitors, our on staff artisan has a varied natural and manmade historical background to use for the themes found in their exquisite Hawaii Heirloom Pictorial gold bracelet creations.

Each of their one-of-a-kind works are designed to tell ancient stories and legends and you will definitely want to come see all of these entrancing pieces at Maui Repair & Design Studio. If you would like to read more about the story behind the Hawaiian Heirloom Jewelry, take a look at the Hawaiian Heirloom Bracelet Story on our website.